Update of sympl-ssl to Let's Encrypt ACMEv2

Sympl inherited the automatic Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate function from Symbiosis, but that only supports the soon to be end-of-life ACMEv1 API.

As of the end of this month, Let’s Encrypt will no longer allow new registrations via ACMEv1, followed by a gradual turn-off and intermittent service for the old API, through to the complete shutdown of ACMEv1 in June of 2021, prompting uses to move to ACMEv2.

The Sympl ‘testing’ branch has now been updated to use the ACMEv2 API, and after a few days of testing in live environments this will be pushed to the ‘stable’ branch for all Sympl users. This means that new accounts, new certificates and renewals will continue as normal, with no interruption to service.

Any Symbiosis users experiencing issues with retrieving Let’s Encrypt certificates may want to look at migrating to Sympl, as further feature updates such as wildcard SSL certificate support, and updates via a range of DNS providers are next on the roadmap.

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Just to update this, the ‘stable’ branch is now using the updated API, so all Sympl users should be on the new version if they are allowing updates.

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