Backups: tar warning about non-optional arguments

Problem Description

When doing backups, the following message is shown, with the backup succeeding:

Creating archive using 'DRIVER_TAR_GZ'...
  tar: The following options were used after any non-optional arguments in archive create or update mode.  These options are positional and affect only arguments that follow them.  Please, rearrange them properly.
  tar: --no-recursion has no effect
  tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Checking TOC of archive file (< real file, > archive entry)...

Any Error Messages

The backup appears to complete without error, just the above warning which is a little concerning, so interested to know what it’s regarding, and whether it’s an actual issue.


  • Sympl Version [10.0]:
  • Debian Version [Buster]:
  • Hardware Type? [Virtual]
  • Sympl Testing Version? [Yes]

After some investigation this looks to be a change in tar, which is affecting backup2l and therefore the backups in Sympl.

Everything seems to be working okay in my testing, but I’m testing an updated version of the DRIVER_TAR_GZ function now, which shouldn’t trigger the warning.

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Issue raised, and being worked on.

Expect an update to sympl-backup later on today.

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Thank you, with the auto package updates, the crib emails are no longer showing the tar warning. I’m on buster testing at the moment.